Our Book is Here! Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism in Print.

Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism is available in print today! We couldn’t be more proud.

It has been an amazing year and a half since we began this adventure. We’re so pleased that the great work of our contributors is now available to any person searching for reliable, experienced, positive information about autism.

For all today’s smiles and pride, the truth is Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism’s inspiration was our persistent frustration with the negative autism stereotypes and misinformation we faced in parenting our children with autism, or advocating with/amplifying the signal of the amazing Autistic communities. As stated in our Mission, this book is the resource we wish we’d had when autism first became part of our
lives: a one-stop source for carefully curated, evidence-based
information from autism parents, autistics, and autism professionals.

We want to thank all of the amazing contributors to this website, and those authors in the first book (listed below); you are a wealth of knowledge. And of course, our work would not be complete without the dedication of our fantastic editors: Shannon Des Roches Rosa, our Executive Editor, devotes her time, experience, and tenacity to creating and guiding this group of works, and coaxes the best out of each of us. Liz Ditz uses her social media superpowers to recruit many strong skeptic and neurodiversity voices to our website and book. Emily Willingham, our science editor, consistently delivers her trademark literate compassion, whether writing about parenting or science. And there’s Carol Greenburg with her tension-breaking wit, her empathy and wisdom, and her pragmatic voice  colored by her experience as a professional advocate, parent, and a self-advocate. [And Jennifer Byde Myers, without whose gorgeous writing, alchemy skills, and publishing experience this website and book could not have existed -SR.]

Together we constantly strive to provide the best information we can find to people new to autism — or new to positive, evidence-based approaches; provide insight to the professionals who serve our communities; and offer a well-lit path to individuals or families looking for a resource to help determine what “autism” will mean for them.

Thank you to our friends, our families, and the wonderful Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism community for making this book possible. Today is a good day.

With sincere gratitude-

Jennifer Byde Myers

for the TPGA Editors

Please see our Press Page to share the book’s release with media outlets or interested parties. You can purchase the book online at Amazon.com. The Kindle/eBook version will be available soon.

Contributors to the Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism

Kate Ahern

Devon Koren Alley

Kyra Anderson

Anonymous Special Needs Professional

Asperger Ninja

Katharine Beals, Ph.D.

Corina Lynn Becker

Barbara H. Boucher, OT, Ph.D., PT

Liane Kupferberg Carter

Sara Chapman M.A.

Kristina Chew


Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg

Daniel Dage

Christa Dahlstrom

Michael V. Drejer

Judy Endow, MSW

Susan Etlinger

Shawn C. Graves

Carol Ann Greenburg

Prather Harrell

Michelle Hecht, M.A., BCBA

Jess at Diary of a Mom



Mir Kamin

Brian R. King, LCSW

Estée Klar

Judy McCrary Koeppen M.S., CCC-SLP

Kim Leaird

Kev Leitch

Diane Levinthal M.A., CCC-SLP

Sarah Low

J. Lorraine Martin

Jennifer Byde Myers

Lindsey Nebeker

Kristin Neff, Ph.D.

Rory Patton

Holly Robinson Peete

Pia Prenevost

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

Brenda Rothman

Jordan S. Sadler, M.S., CCC-SLP

Susan Senator

Laura Shumaker

Kristen Spina


Mike Stanton

Hartley Steiner

Frances Vega-Costas

Susan Walton

Emily Willingham

Jean Winegardner

Kim Wombles

Sandy Yim

Book cover design by Amy Freels: www.amyfreels.com

Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism logo by Will Hornaday: www.shoehorndesign.com