This is Gayle. She is autistic. And she writes, “We love our obsessions! Making Japanese paper!”
We love that Gayle loves her obsessions. Her intense joy and skill in paper making is the kind of message we want to spread this April, as we celebrate Autism Acceptance Month.
We want to help make April matter, in terms of helping spread the word
and further acceptance and understanding of autistic experiences,
happiness, and rights for autistic people of all ages and abilities — and we’d like you to participate if you’re
willing and available. Here’s what to do:
Please send us a post or captioned picture that represents the message or story you’d like share for Autism Acceptance Month. It doesn’t have to be
an original submission (we understand that everybody wants something
from our community members during April), but you do need to own the
copyright. Submissions can be emailed to thinkingautism at gmail dot com. We’ll be featuring your messages all month long.
We also recommend you explore and participate in Paula Durbin-Westby’s Autism Acceptance Day and Month initiative at, and ASAN’s Autism Acceptance Month project. Because they are both very awesome.