Shannon Des Roches Rosa
I’ve written about disability-friendly museum days before — at the San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum, Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo, and San Francisco’s Exploratorium, specifically — and how awesome they are. I will be frank: my son does not go to children’s museums except for during these special events in which the museums are open to a limited number of guests with disabilities and their families, the staff are trained to accommodate, there are quiet rooms to retreat to, social stories are prepared ahead of time to introduce attendees to the space, and he can focus on fun.
So I am grateful to San Mateo’s CuriOdyssey (formerly Coyote Point Museum) for hosting a Super Families event last weekend, and hope they will continue to host these events periodically. My son, his little sister, and her friend got to have the best time ever. I’ll let our event pictures speak for themselves, below.
Does your area have disability friendly museum days? If they don’t, and you want to encourage them, send the staff our way — we can put them in touch with some of the wonderful folks who have orchestrated these events.
And for museums and science centers that are not just for kids, well, we have some easy ideas about how to make such places more disability-friendly, too. 🙂
Enjoying exploring caves. |
Making the biggest bubbles. |
Free water and sand play is THE BEST. |
Very very friendly river otters! |
And … quiet places to chill with one’s iPad. Always helpful. |