Wikipedia’s editing is nominally consensus-based, so when a subject is objectively contentious—as is the case with autism—that editing gets tricky.
Two autistic people could have the exact same motor challenges and each make different decisions about what is “good enough” for them, based on who they are as people and what their individual life circumstances are at the moment.
I’d like to share my story on what it’s like having a neurotypical sibling, and how difficult that was. Autism was never the problem, it was the lack of understanding that broke the relationship.
We often ask parents of autistic children to walk a difficult a tightrope as they navigate competing sets of information—especially regarding autism and disability, and in tensions between parent and self-advocate communities.
We are starting to recognize that autism can sometimes be more subtle, as more and more people are starting to get diagnosed later in adolescence or adulthood. Many people who find out about their autism in adulthood wish they had known sooner. Here are seven subtle signs that your child might be autistic.
Relevance theory explains why things that may be very obvious for an autistic person may not be obvious for a non-autistic person, and vice versa.
Since I was late diagnosed with autism, I feel like the people in my life are still adjusting—because now I am being the ‘real’ me, and not the person they thought I was.
Being an autistic adult and making friends is probably harder than it was when I was a teenager (this might not be true for other autistics, but it’s my experience).
Mindfulness means you are fully aware and in the present moment. You’re not thinking about the past or trying to predict the future—you are just experiencing the moment for what it is, using your senses.
The Framed Women of Ardemore House is a taut “fish out of water” murder mystery about an American autistic woman who inherits an eerie British mansion. We talked with autistic author Brandy Schillace about how more novels like hers feature autistic protagonists as complex humans with interesting lives, rather than only as Very Special Autism Stories.