While we know that the majority of autistic people experience abuse and sexual assault during their lifetimes, autistic women are particularly vulnerable, and we need more research in this area.
Category: abuse
I truly do not know why some parents don’t want to listen to autistic adults. There is so much good autism information for parents from autistic adults, and so much of it is freely available, and yet the parents choose not to know.
This book offers practical and specific advice on the oft-neglected topic of autism and surviving sexual violence, and also truly feels like it comes from the autistic community, centering autistic experiences and needs.
When people generally said to be incapable of communication find ways of making clear what they do and don’t want through means other than words, this is self-advocacy.
Justice means that when a parent is so antagonistic toward their autistic child that they’re contemplating violence, then something needs to change and it’s not the child—it’s the parent.