We talked with autistic people and parents from different backgrounds about ways to make homes and other environments feel safe, so autistics can have spaces to decompress and be themselves.
When other people take choices away from autistic people, it can make us believe we are useless and destroy our confidence. It can even lead to us putting ourselves in dangerous situations, just to prove we can do things.
TPGA editors Carol Greenburg and Shannon Rosa are on the latest episode of Barry Prizant’s and Dave Finch’s Uniquely Human podcast. We discuss our own personal histories, our furious rejection of autism misinformation, and how journalists and outlets can do better by autistic people.
Many autistic people find accepting compliments and being kind to ourselves difficult, especially if our experience has been that other people lambast us if we dare to exist openly while autistic.
Ashley Storrie, co-creator and star of Hulu’s series Dinosaur, talks with TPGA about incorporating her own autistic experiences into the show, and why storytelling is so crucial for wider understanding of underrepresented groups.
Considering the state of autistic representation in both music and film, giving ASD Band the classic rock doc treatment is one of the most revolutionary choices that the director could have made.
At the end of the day, a sensory friendly home life means forget social conventions. Make your home work for you.
Autistic and neurodivergent people experience many “sensory icks” regularly. Autistic writer Shamiha Patel shares her personal checklist of sensory triggers.
How should educators approach autism, and how can understanding autistic identities help educators better support autistic and non-autistic students?
No, ABA therapy cannot affirm neurodiversity, not without becoming something that is not ABA therapy.