Todd Drezner Cinema Libre Studio is the film distributor for Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic. And today, I learned they are now distributing “Vaxxed,” the film by the discredited scientist Andrew Wakefield, whose fraudulent claim that the MMR vaccine caused autism launched a thousand conspiracy theories. The film was dropped by the Tribeca Film Festival, but unfortunately thanks to Cinema Libre, it is getting new life. The note below is the letter I wrote to Cinema Libre. If you’re so inclined, visit their Facebook page and tell them what you think of their decision. Dear Cinema Libre, I’m writing to explain why I’m so disappointed in your decision to distribute “Vaxxed.” I have three main objections: 1) Perhaps of most relevance to Cinema Libre is that Andrew Wakefield has assembled his film using unethical and dishonest editing techniques. As documented here, the “Vaxxed” trailer splices excerpts from two different phone…