
Autism, Siblings, and Fairness

Shannon Des Roches Rosa Update: I now know there is such a thing as competing access needs, and that this article is not entirely fair to Leo’s siblings. Please see our 2018 article Understanding Competing Accessibility Needs for more context. -SR Photo © Shannon Des Roches Rosa [image: Young white teen girl whispering into her brother’s ear. They are seated on a picnic table in a park, surrounded by family reunion attendees all wearing light blue t-shirts.] Thirteen-year-old Iz is a wonderful big sister to Leo, who is just 21 months her junior. This photo is of the two of them at a family reunion earlier this month; she’s letting Leo know that the group photos won’t take that long, explaining that if he can just sit for one more minute, then he can go back to the playground, and that he’s being particularly awesome and patient (which…