My Fights With Autism and The Need for More Awareness

Kristen Kristen is eighteen years old and currently in her third year of high school. A statement I have always found confounding is, “I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” Let me explain: I find this confusing because what if “it” could be beneficial or insightful for the whole of society? What if perspectives widen because of “it”? Who am I? I am an unknown Aspergian. I was diagnosed at the age of three, but with no follow up afterward. My childhood consisted largely of unwanted (probably neurologist) doctor visits where doctors would run test after test, and force me to look them in the eyes. I grew up with a degrading “you’re not normal” mentality. Needless to say, my childhood, like me, wasn’t “normal.” The doctors finally concluded that I had ADD and gave me Ritalin, which was useless. If that wasn’t cruel enough, in second grade I finally realized…