
This One Goes to Eleven

The Domestic Goddess There are days when I’m a bit arrogant and a know-it-all and I’m all, “Autism? Expert!” and things run smoothly and calmly and we almost feel normal around here. Normal. Whatever that is. Then there are days like the last two. It’s like being caught in a tennis match, except the ball moves faster than the speed of light and I get a bit dizzy. Bugaboo is fast, y’all. See, here’s the thing about autism: When you’ve met one child with autism you’ve met one child with autism. It’s like snowflakes, no two are alike. My two couldn’t be further apart in terms of functioning. You know, like onions. Onions have layers (name that movie for five points. Six if you name the character who says it). And children with autism? Are very complex. They have many layers, many colors, many idiosyncrasies. Many things that make…