L.C. Horn lastcrazyhorn.wordpress.com Let me set up a scenario for you. Imagine first that you’re a kid, maybe eleven or twelve, possibly thirteen. You have Asperger’s syndrome, which means that your social skills are impaired already; plus you’re a preteen/young teen, which means that the rules for your social world are constantly in flux. But as of yet, you’re not diagnosed; nor has anyone in your life ever heard the word “Asperger’s,” nor would they know what it means. As if that weren’t bad enough, you’re a girl who is more of a tomboy, who doesn’t see the point in following the social rules or norms, either because it seems like a waste of time, or you’re just mostly oblivious to their existence in the first place. Most kids don’t like you very much. You don’t know why. Vaguely, you understand that there is something about your being that offends…