
Autistic Lives: Not Less Valuable

Shannon Des Roches Rosa www.squidalicious.com www.blogher.com Two days ago, Patricia Corby was ordered to stand trial for the murder of her four-year-old autistic son, Daniel Corby. During testimony, the local District Attorney’s Office Investigator said that Corby “…felt like she had no life. She wanted Daniel to be normal.” This seems like a good time to revisit the post below, which I wrote for BlogHer.com after another Autistic, George Hodgins, was murdered by his mother Elizabeth — just three weeks before Daniel died. —- Obviously, I’m feeling angry and confrontational. Explosively so. With good reason: George Hodgins, a young autistic man from my son’s school, was murdered by his mother Elizabeth (who then committed suicide) earlier this month. Mainstream media reports have focused almost exclusively on how difficult life was for his mother, framing parents killing disabled children as an understandable tragedy, while parents killing typical children is considered a…