Since I was late diagnosed with autism, I feel like the people in my life are still adjusting—because now I am being the ‘real’ me, and not the person they thought I was.
Tag: poetry
Judy Endow, MSW Too much new for back to school is why I just don’t like it, though each new thing all by itself is entirely acceptable. New shiny shoes I do so love new ribbons in my hair a freshly pressed brand new pink dress Oh ……. ain’t I debonair! My satchel packed with all new things with all the stuff I need sits on the floor next to the door just waiting for me to leave! New class lists posted on the doors; the students find their names. They take their seats and wait to see what will this brand new teacher say! “Unpack supplies. Get settled in. My name is on the board.” On and on…
Amy Sequenzia Amy is a self-advocate who types her thoughts. The poem below is from her recent book of poetry My Voice: Autism, Life and Dreams. Please contact Amy to acquire your own copy of her book. My Voice, My Life Look at me. Go ahead, take a good look. What do you see? Weird? Silly? Pitiful? Can’t do anything? You might feel sorry for me You might pity me You probably think I should be treated like a child. I’ve heard and seen this before. “Can she understand me?” “Does she know what is going on?” “How can she make choices?” I understand your confusion But it is time for me to come out. Let’s just make something clear I am autistic, I am disabled, I have many special needs, I look different; I need help eating, walking, moving around. I do not need help Thinking. That’s what you…
Dawn Comer What happened next? Mommy, what happened next? she begs, wanting for story, an end. But I have no context, know no story. Morning but my daughter’s eyes flit, seeking shadows in sunlight. Mommy, what happened next? Morning and my eyes stare, settling into love-heart pillow, bright pink against dull blue carpet. Cast off casualty of nighttime. And then I understand. Lucy, did you dream? Did you see a story in your sleep? Baby crying, Lucy says. Baby crying in daddy’s office. Purple sucker in daddy’s office. And then, Elliot angry. Baby crying. And me not needing to hear Lucy but still she says her name as if it is not even hers. Lucy baby crying in daddy’s office. Elliot angry. Lucy baby have purple sucker. Mommy! Mommy, what happened next? Her first shared dream an ache in my gut. I have no words, no end, no power, no…