
Scripted Language and Authenticity

Photo © Fran López | Flickr / Creative Commons [image: Photo of a page from a play script, furled so the words form a spiral.] Bev Harp www.aspergersquare8.blogspot.com It seems that one of the hardest things for typical people to understand about autism is the way skill sets can seemingly change overnight, so that although, for example, I spoke very well yesterday, I can barely manage to put a sentence together this morning. I understand the skepticism I’ve encountered about this; before I knew much about autism, it’s one of the things that most made me doubt myself and question my sanity. This doesn’t apply only to speech and it isn’t always about short-term changes either. That’s just the aspect of life I’ve chosen to talk about today. Some of the people I interact with on a regular basis are familiar with some of the scripts I use on days when…