Spectrummy Mummy SpectrummyMummy.wordpress.com Our family of four recently moved from the U.S. to South Africa. This isn’t our first international move, but traveling with a toddler with sensory issues, and a preschooler with an autism spectrum disorder complicates matters. Before we left, I referred to our journey as The Flight, and much as it deserved capital letters, it disguised the fact that there were in fact two flights. The first was a tiny domestic flight under two hours, the second being a mammoth fifteen hours. So in my preparations, I concentrated mostly on the big one. I assumed the first flight would be easy. I was wrong. We’d had a couple of hiccups before boarding. The van that we booked to collect us was late, and we were all waiting in the D.C. summer heat for over half an hour. To say that the kids became irritable doesn’t really do…
Tag: Spectrummy Mummy
Spectrummy Mummy SpectrummyMummy.wordpress.com Pudding hates DIY stores. The ceilings are too high, the lights too bright, the smells too noxious, the noises too loud, the people too many; we just can’t go there with her. It is unbearable, and nothing makes it better. So we just avoid going, easy as that. So most often Spectrummy Daddy goes alone, but this time he was ill, and though my Mondays are crammed, there was no putting it off. Pudding was in school for the morning, so I took Cubby right after his music class. He is more sensitive than she is, so I wasn’t sure how he’d do, but apart from a lot of questions about the various noises, he did okay. Phew. I only had a brief amount of time before I had to collect Pudding to take her to speech therapy, so I found a sales associate to ask where…