As some folks in the autism communities seem to misunderstand the purpose and mission of the IACC — the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, we asked recent IACC appointee Matt Carey to talk about why he joined the IACC, what the IACC does, and what he hopes to accomplish as a member. From the IACC member bios: Dr. Matt Carey joined the IACC as a public member in 2012. Dr. Carey is the father of a young child with multiple disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, and is a frequent contributor to the Left Brain/Right Brain blog and other autism blogs. His writing focuses on reviewing current autism research in an understandable way for the public and he is deeply committed to communicating the importance of getting the science right for autism. TPGA: What is your elevator pitch, in terms of telling people what the IACC is and what it does? Dr.…
Tag: Tom Insel
Tom Insel Director, NIMH IACC update, since 2010 NIMH Director Tom Insel IACC is congressionally mandated, via the Combating Autism Act of 2006. Legislation will sunset in September 2011, unless the legislation is reauthorized. IACC has 23 members. It’s a diverse group — federal appointees, parents, autistic advocates, professionals. The IACC mission is to: Provide advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding Federal activities related to autism spectrum disorder. Facilitate the exchange of information on and coordination of ASD activities among the member agencies and organizations. Increase public understanding of the member agencies’ activities, programs, policies, and research by providing a public forum for discussions related to ASD research and services Strategic plan: Concept is to accelerate research process. Want to bring everyone to the table and agree on priorities. Established goals in seven critical research areas Plan gets updated every year, has 78 objectives altogether 16…