
Molly Keene Today, we were working with letters. I pointed, hastily, at a “z” on its side that looked like an “n.” “Ennnn,” I said. “Ennnnnnnn.” “Eeee!” crowed Ollie. He walked over, turned the letter correctly, and said, again, “Eeee.” Well, I stood corrected. Today, he spelled walrus. Giraffe. Happy Halloween (that one freaked out my friends last week). He can’t say any of those words, but he can spell them. He knows the variations of his name, both full length and nickname, and will pull out books with each to compare the two. Today, he happily shouted letters as I gave phonetic clues. “Ah!” said I. “Ayyy!!” he replied. Today, we danced to Lady Gaga and the Glee soundtrack in the kitchen, in between therapy (with letters, today, because that’s what he wanted, and we are working on “being with”). Little Bit, in her jumperoo, laughed and bounced.…