Autism Warrior Parents are those who, for whatever reason, refuse to accept their autistic child’s actual reality and needs, and instead put their energies into absolute change or control of that child.
Category: acceptance
We talked with autistic people and parents from different backgrounds about ways to make homes and other environments feel safe, so autistics can have spaces to decompress and be themselves.
TPGA editors Carol Greenburg and Shannon Rosa are on the latest episode of Barry Prizant’s and Dave Finch’s Uniquely Human podcast. We discuss our own personal histories, our furious rejection of autism misinformation, and how journalists and outlets can do better by autistic people.
No, ABA therapy cannot affirm neurodiversity, not without becoming something that is not ABA therapy.
The book Neurodiversity for Dummies is happening because there really is a dearth of accessible information and resources. This listening session is a conversation about what neurodiversity is, and what neurodivergent people need to thrive.
Autistic people tend to benefit from acceptance much more than from awareness, as awareness is passive whereas acceptance is a choice. Here are ten ways you can honor Autism Acceptance, and autistic people of all ages.
The Fire, The Water, and Maudie McGinn is an absolutely wonderful, important book for kids that don’t have a voice and may not be able to identify abuse or know how to talk about it. Fantastic for autistic and allistic readers alike.
You can listen and understand and believe and respect autistic adults every bit as much as you do those things with autistic children. If you don’t, you’re being ageist.
This idea that people with intellectual disabilities cannot learn is a very dangerous idea and it leads to us being harmed. I think it is important to autistics with intellectual disabilities that we get the support to learn.
“For too long autistic children have been just taught what they should do to fit in a neurotypical mold, instead of being taught who they are as autistic people, and who neurotypical people are as a neurotypical people, and how to appreciate both, and build translations between the two.”