We’re excited to let you know that Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism is coming to Kepler’s Bookstore in Menlo Park on Tuesday June 25th at 7:30 pm. Editors Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Jennifer Byde Myers, and Emily Willingham, along with contributors Laura Shumaker and Susan Walton will be on the panel. We’ll do a bit of reading, and have plenty of time for questions and answers. We’re hoping there will be other Bay Area contributors at the event as well. If there is anything you’d like us to share at the reading please leave a comment below and we will do our best to cover the subject. Thank you for your continued support of Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism. -The Editors Share this event on Facebook If you are interested in having someone from Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism speak at your event or local bookstore please contact us at…
Tag: The Book
The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism community is growing rapidly; it’s no surprise we keep getting requests about how to support our new book. Thank you, community! We appreciate every last effort to spread desperately needed positive, evidence-based autism information and advice via our book — whether you buy a book for a neighbor, an autism grandparent, the family of a child with a new diagnosis, an adult friend who may find it insightful — or buy a box of books to hand out at the next meeting you attend. There are many ways to help get the word out about the TPGA book, several of which do not require spending money. Some ideas: Post a review on Amazon.com. Tell the rest of the world why our book matters, and why it helps! Ask your library to purchase a copy of the book. The more requests a library gets, the…
The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism has been humming along for over a year now, and we’ve shared more than 200 great interviews, stories and how-to’s here. We’ve watched the TPGA Facebook page grow with active, vibrant discussions, and we love seeing many different perspectives pop-up in those comments. It’s encouraging, knowing these pages have provided a positive, supportive and safe environment for discussion and questions. We are seeing a community come to life here, and it’s exciting. Editing is under way on the book, The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism, with a plan to publish later this fall. In an effort to get the best resources into the print version, we are putting out one last call to our readers and contributors: Share the wealth of knowledge you have collected. If you have an online resource, book, service, government agency or other great person, place, or thing that we…