This April will once again be Autism Acceptance Month on Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism, in the spirit of Paula Durbin-Westby’s Autism Acceptance Day and Month initiative at, and ASAN’s Autism Acceptance Month project.
We want to help make April matter, in terms of helping spread the word and further acceptance and understanding of autistic experiences, happiness, and rights — and we’d like you to participate if you’re willing and available. Here’s what to do:
Please send us a post or captioned picture that represents the message or story you’d like thousands of people to see and/or hear for Autism Acceptance Month. It doesn’t have to be an original submission (we understand that everybody wants something from our community members during April), but you do need to own the copyright. Submissions can be emailed to thinkingautism at gmail dot com.
That’s it. We’ll publish a new essay, story, or photo every day in April. WE hope you participate, and please spread the word!
(If you need ideas, please feel free to browse last year’s TPGA Autism Acceptance Month Autistic Slice of Life profiles.)
Please also note ASAN’s guidelines and recommendations for Autism Acceptance Month:
“This April, ASAN will be working with activists and community members across the country to help launch Autism Acceptance Month, a celebration of Autistic culture and community. We want you to help us by organizing a local event in your area for Autism Acceptance Month and letting us know about it by e-mailing”
And if you see anything you think we should share on TPGA Twitter or Facebook during April, please send that to us as well.
Looking forward to the most progressive April in the autism communities’ memory,
-TPGA Editors