2010 In Review: Thanks to All Contributors

Liz Ditz



On behalf of my fellow editors, Emily Willingham, Jennifer Byde Myers, and Shannon des Roches Rosa, I’d like to thank all of the 2010 contributors to The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism.

What follows is an alphabetical list of contributors, with links to their TPGA posts, their website(s) and twitter accounts (where available — some of our contributors have neither websites nor twitter accounts).

Eighty contributors. 120+ posts. Many, many different perspectives on autism. Autism through the lifetime. Thank you all.

  1. Kate Ahern, Living the Least Dangerous Assumption. Blog: http://teachinglearnerswithmultipleneeds.blogspot.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/teechkidz . Presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/teechkidz
  2. Kyra Anderson, Bring Everyone Out. Blog: http://kyraanderson.wordpress.com/
  3. Anonymous Special Needs Professional, Why I Can’t Breathe Tonight
  4. Emma Apple, If the Scarf Fits Blog: http://www.bluehijabday.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/bluehijabday
  5. Devon Koren Asdell, How I Know Vaccines Didn’t Cause My Daughter’s Autism Blog: http://community.advanceweb.com/blogs/ot_9/ . Website: http://dkoren.freeshell.org/.
  6. Stacey Ashlund, Comparative Misery and a Born-Again Buddhist Blog on education and special needs: http://sashlund.posterous.com/; professional website: http://www.staceyashlund.com/ Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/sashlund/
  7. Asperger’s Ninja, When A Single Mother of a Special Needs Child Is Suddenly Ill Blog:http://aspergerninja.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/aspergerninja
  8. Elise AKA aspergers2mom contributed 3 posts: (1) We Fight The Fights That Are Worth Fighting (2) Don’t Yell. Embrace Your Inner Bitch Instead (3) Raising Asperger’s Kids: Generalizing the Specifics. Blog: http://asd2mom.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/aspergers2mom
  9. Katharine Beals PhD,What Is An Appropriate Education for An Autistic Child. Blog: http://oilf.blogspot.com/
  10. Corina Lynn Becker contributed two posts (1) What I Want People to Know and (2) Autism, Apps, and Adults Primary blog: http://nostereotypeshere.blogspot.com/. Reviewing applications for adults with autism: http://autisticapp.blogspot.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/CorinaBecker
  11. Laura Bobcat‘s video was featured in TPGA end to 2010. More of her videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/goo200
  12. Barbara H. Boucher OT, PhD, PT, What to Ask of an Occupational Therapist. Blog: http://therextras.typepad.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/therextras/
  13. Alysia K. Butler contributed two posts (1) Lean On Me and (2) Rainy Days and Mondays. Blog: http://trydefyinggravity.wordpress.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/trydefyinggrav/
  14. Liane Kupferberg-Carter contributed two posts (1) The One-Two Punch of Autism: The Case for Insuring Our Kids’ Future and (2) The Crucial String She publishes at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/liane-kupferberg-carter and http://open.salon.com/blog/lkc
  15. Sara Chapman, MA, DIR/Floortime: An Introduction Professional website: http://www.playconnectlearn.com/. Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/sarabethchapman
  16. Kristina Chew, PhD contributed two posts (1) Choosing a School for Children on the Autism Spectrum and (2) Special Ed 101. Blog http://autism.typepad.com/ (about life with her son with autism); Blog: http://www.care2.com/causes/author/autismvox/. (issues / causes). Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/autismvox
  17. Clay, For the 85% of Us Who Can’t Work. Blog: http://cometscorner-clay.blogspot.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Mooncatadams/
  18. Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg contributed three posts
  19. Daniel Dage, Writing Effective IEP Goals and Objectives: Suggestions for Teachers and Parents Blog: http://specialed.wordpress.com/
  20. Christa Dahlstrom, Just Passing Through Blog: http://hyperlexicon.blogspot.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/hyperlexicon/
  21. Liz Ditz (TPGA editor) contributed three blog posts (1) Holiday Wrap-up; (2)Thoughts are Turning Back to School and (3)2001 in Review: Thanks to All Contributors Blog:
    http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/ (multi-issue, personal); Blog: http://lizditz.typepad.com/academic_remediation/. (issues around learning disabilities/schools struggles). Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/lizditz and http://twitter.com/#!/k_5remediation
  22. Lisa Domican, Grace Needed an App, so Her Mom Created One . Professional website: http://graceappforautismoniphone.blogspot.com/
  23. Michael V. Dreher, Being Employed With Asperger’s Syndrome. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/maialideth
  24. Judy Endow, MSW, Preventing Meltdowns: Outsmarting the Explosive Behavior of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Professional website: http://www.asperger.net/
  25. Susan Etlinger, The Inclusion Dance. Blog: http://susanetlinger.typepad.com/the_family_room/ (personal); blog: http://susanetlinger.wordpress.com/(professional) Twitter: t http://twitter.com/#!/setlinger
  26. Domestic Goddess, This One Goes All The Way to Eleven. Blog: http://thedgoddess.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/thedgoddess
  27. Karen B. Golightly, How Pip Dealt With Costa Rica
  28. Shawn C. Graves, Tree
  29. Amy Greatbanks, The First Rule of the Autism Club Blog: http://ishouldhavecalledhimcalvin.wordpress.com/.
  30. Carol Greenberg contributed two posts (1) Rotten Food, Lousy Service: Dodge the Restaurant Mentality to Get Your Kids the Services They Need and (2) I’m An Embarrassment. Professional blog: http://aspieadvocate-ascd.blogspot.com/.Professional website: http://www.bklynsnc.com/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Aspieadvocate
  31. Prather Harrell, On the Verge of a Meltdown. She is associated with http://www.africanamericanautismofaz.org/index.php
  32. Michelle Hecht MA, BCBA, What is Applied Behavior Analysis, and Why You Want a Behavior Analyst On Your Child’s Team
  33. Lynn Hudoba, When Couples Disagree over Biomedical Approaches for Autism. Blog: http://www.autismarmymom.com/ . Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/autismarmymom
  34. Dr. Claire Hughes-Lynch, Advertising for Autism. Blog: http://professormother.com/
  35. Jess contributed two blog posts for TPGA (1) Welcome to the Club and (2) All You Need to Know. Blog: http://adiaryofamom.wordpress.com/ . Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/diaryofamom
  36. Jillsmo contributed two blog posts for TPGA (1 )Autism Contradictions and (2) Will He Be Happy? Blog: http://yeahgoodtimes.blogspot.com/ .Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jillsmo
  37. Jennifer Johnson contributed two blog posts for TPGA (1) A Short Cut for Making PECS-Style Icons and (2) Creating A Special Needs Binder
  38. Lisa Brandolo Johnson, Why Every Decision I Make Matters. Professional site: http://www.grembe.com/; Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/grembe/
  39. JoyMama,When A Mom Says Something Works: GFCF Diet. Blog: http://elvis-sightings.blogspot.com/.
  40. Kai, Teamwork. Blog: http://autismtwins.blogspot.com/
  41. Mir Kamin,The Keeper: A Tale of Late-Childhood Asperger’s Diagnosis. Blog: http://wouldashoulda.com/
  42. Molly Keene, Progress. Blog: http://keenesandco.blogspot.com/
  43. Brian R. King, LCSW, The “R” Word Revisited . Professional blog: http://spectrummentor.com/; Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/brianrking
  44. Estee Klar, A Single Mom’s View of Autism Divorce Rates . Her blog is at http://www.esteeklar.com/ and you can follow her on twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/EsteeKlar
  45. Judy McCrary Koeppen MS, CCC-SLP Autism: Feeding Issues and Picky Eaters Professional website: http://www.sagetherapy.com/Sage_Therapy/Home.html
  46. Rob Lambert, M.D., Arbitrary Normality Blog: http://distractible.org/ . Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/doc_rob/
  47. Kev Leitch, Coming to Terms. Blog: http://www.leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/kevleitch/
  48. Diane Levinthal, Inclusion Make it an Open Classroom Professional site: http://www.socialstrides.com/
  49. J. Lorraine Martin contributed two posts to TPGA (1) The Miracle By the Lobster Tank and (2) After the Thunderstorm Blog: http://cheeselesspizza.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jlorrie
  50. Jennifer Minnelli, M.S., CCC-SLP contributed three posts to TPGA (1) My Child and Me – Keeping Everyone Honest (Or, the Therapists We’ve Fired);(2) Cycles of Grief and Parenting a Child With Special Needs and (3) Book Review: Coloring Outside of Autism’s Lines Professional site:http://www.autismsphere.com/
  51. Jennifer Byde Myers (TPGA editor) contributed four posts to TPGA (1) Kodachrome (2) Meeting Maddy (3) Buying Hope (4)(with Shannon des Roches Rosa) Creating A Special Education PTA Blog: http://jennyalice.blogspot.com/ Travel blog: http://www.haveautismwilltravel.blogspot.com/ Special Education PTA Website: http://www.septar.org/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/#!/jennyalice
  52. Lindsey Nebeker, So What’s the Fascination With Autism and Sex? Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/autismisarose
  53. Kristin Neff, Ph.D, On Autism and Self-Compassion. Website: http://www.self-compassion.org/ Movie website: http://www.horseboymovie.com/
  54. Sarah Oriel, Autism Service Dogs Blog: http://planetjosh.squarespace.com/.
  55. Elaine Park, The Child Can’t Spell
  56. Rory Patton, Reflections on Mature Autism Blog:http://springingtiger.wordpress.com/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/#!/springingtiger
  57. Pia Prevenost, An Open Letter to Special Needs Professionals Blog: http://www.thecrackandthelight.com/
  58. Holly Robinson Peete, Shifting Focus: Eight Facts About Autism The Media Aren’t Covering. Foundation website: http://www.hollyrod.org/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/hollyrod4kids, http://twitter.com/#!/hollyRpeete
  59. Shannon des Roches Rosa (TPGA editor) contributed eleven posts: (1) Identifying and Avoiding Autism Cults; (2) Outings, Travel, and Autism; (3) Autism Parenting and the Importance of Attitude; (4) Does Your Child With Autism Have a Daily Record?; (5) When You’re Gone: Practical Planning for Your Child’s Future; (6) Why My Child With Autism Is Fully Vaccinated; (7) Autism and Potty Training: Never Give Up Hope; (8) Have A Merry but Modified Halloween; (9) (with TPGA editor Jennifer Byde Myers) Creating A Special Education PTA (10) (with Robert Rummel-Hudson) iPads Near Miracles for Kids with Autism (11)Autism and Holidays: Success Through Meticulous Planning. Blog: http://www.squidalicious.com/ Special Education PTA Website: http://www.septar.org/ BlogHer posts: http://www.blogher.com/user/119/posts Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/shannonrosa
  60. Brenda Rothman, The Eyes of Autism. Blog:http://mamabegood.blogspot.com/
  61. Robert Rummel-Hudson (with Shannon des Roches Rosa) iPads Near Miracles for Kids with Autism Blog: http://www.schuylersmonsterblog.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/rumhud/
  62. Kelly V. Russell, My Child Has Autism… Blog: http://2006housewife.blogspot.com/
  63. Jordan S. Sadler MS, CCC-SLP contributed two posts to TPGA (1) What A Great Speech Language Pathologist Can Do For You and (2) Thoughts on Prognosis from as Speech Language Pathologist Professional Website: http://www.communicationtherapy.net/ Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/CommTx/
  64. Sarah Schneider contributed three posts to TPGA (1) Defective (2) Keeping Score (3) I’m Getting a Vibe Blog:http://www.kitaiskasandwich.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/kitaiska
  65. Heather E. Sedlock, Autism: Rainbows Abound. Blog:http://www.examiner.com/special-needs-kids-in-national/heather-sedlock Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Heather_Sedlock
  66. Susan Senator, All His Base Are Belong To Him Blog:http://susansenator.com/blog/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/SusanSenator
  67. Laura Shumaker contributed two posts to TPGA (1) Adolescence and (2) Moving Day. Blog: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/lshumaker/index Website: http://www.laurashumaker.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RGmom
  68. Kristen Spina, (Extra) Ordinary Days Blog: http://kristenspina.wordpress.com/
  69. Squillo, What Now? 10 Tips for Families with a New Autism Diagnosis Blog: http://confutata.com/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/#!/Confutata
  70. Mike Stanton, What Is Neurodiversity? Blog:http://actionforautism.co.uk/
  71. Hartley Steiner contributed three posts to TPGA (1) All Showers Lead to Australia (2) Sensory Seekers and Sensory Avoiders (3) Thanksgiving Table Manners. Blog: http://www.hartleysboys.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ParentingSPD/
  72. Lou Tecpanecatl, Autism Isn’t Invisible Any More Blog: http://ourlifewithdiego.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/loubega1/
  73. Frances Vega-Costas, Autism is an Equal Opportunity Disorder Blogs: http://www.viviendoenotradimension.com/ and http://dimensionautismo.blogspot.com/.
  74. Susan Walton, Getting to Know Your New Neighborhood: Reaching Out and Building a Network Professional site: http://susanwaltonbooks.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/swalton47
  75. Emily Willingham (TPGA editor) contributed four posts to TPGA (1) Autism and Environmental Chemicals: A Call for Caution (2) (with Kim Wombles) Autism and Biomed Protocols: A Primer on Pseudoscience (3) How Do People React When They Learn Your Child Has Special Needs and (4) Recent Autism Studies In the News: Overpromising, Big Time Personal blog: http://daisymayfattypants.blogspot.com/; biology blog: http://biologyfiles.wordpress.com/; bullying blog: http://endthebullying.wordpress.com/ Twitter: personal:http://twitter.com/#!/ejwillingham biology: http://twitter.com/#!/biolotrix; bullying: http://twitter.com/#!/endbullying1/
  76. Jean Winegardner, ‘Autistic’ or ‘Person With Autism’? Blogs: http://www.stimeyland.com/ and http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/autism-unexpected/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/stimey
  77. Kim Wombles contributed two posts to TPGA (1) Questionable Autism Approaches: Facilitated Communication and Rapid Prompting Method and (2) (with Emily Willingham) Autism and Biomed Protocols: A Primer on Pseudoscience Blog: http://kwomblescountering.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/kwombles
  78. Caitlin Wray contributed three blog posts to TPGA (1)Be the Change: How to Shift Autism into the Mainstream; (2) Why We Fear Passion and (3)Advocacy 101: How to Write an Effective Letter Blog: http://www.welcome-to-normal.com/
  79. Sandy Yim,Why Closed Captioning Isn’t Just for Deaf People Blog: http://www.aspieteacher.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/AspieTeacher/